Faster and simple maintenance page

Working on different platform either to update, patch, etc need to be notificate for those people that consume that services, it shouldn’t change if that service it’s internal, you must notificate your teams about it. When you’re into your maintenance window you can use a faster way to broadcast everyone you’re working on it; I use this simple solution when I was working into a Jenkins migration, hence I stop the jenkins service and instead of 500 html error I developed a simple html text exposing it by a nginx container by the root path....

2024-02-04 · 2 min · 339 words

Como configurar un router neutro

📣 Actualizado 02/2024 Continuando con mi post anterior explico como realizar una conexion directa con tu propio router, en mi caso tengo un router gl.inet; puedes usar otro router que disponga la configuración de VLAN. Dependiendo de tu proveedor de servicio, necesitamos ir a la siguiente pagina y busca tu VLAN, Leer con atencion las notas dejadas en la pagina!. En mi caso tengo Orange aunque a en mi zona llega por NEBA....

2023-11-19 · 2 min · 311 words

Trigger pipelines by using the API

When you join a new project, company, customer, etc. (you’re still in the onboarding phase 😅), meanwhile you may find that you need to make a few changes to get your team’s production pipelines up and running. In this case, you can call an API trigger from one project to another (this is just a example). I’ve been in the situation described above before, and it was how I discovered this amazing feature in GitLab....

2023-07-15 · 2 min · 384 words

Mastering GitLab CI/CD, Unleashing the Power of Pipelines

Hey everyone! 👋 I hope you’re all having a fantastic summer time! 🌞 I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that I’m currently working on something special for all my fellow developers/operations and GitLab enthusiasts out there. 🤓✨ In the upcoming posts, I’ll be sharing a treasure trove of valuable tips and tricks related to GitLab pipelines! based in my experiences 🏗️ Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started with GitLab CI/CD, there’s bound to be something for everyone....

2023-06-16 · 1 min · 213 words

Upgrading major version Nextcloud

For those who have been facing the “Maintenance mode active” after applied a nextcloud upgrade by switching container image version, due a major versioning issue. Even when you issue the occ upgrade into continer you gets hit by something like below: www-data@87401bdd2fa8:~/html$ php /var/www/html/occ upgrade Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade Setting log level to debug Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported....

2023-05-20 · 1 min · 185 words

Python & Virtual Environments

When starting a Python 3 project in Linux, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure a clean and isolated development environment. One of the recommended approaches is to utilize virtual environments. Virtual environments allow you to create an isolated environment for each project, preventing conflicts between different packages and dependencies. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up and activate a virtual environment for your Python 3 project....

2023-03-15 · 2 min · 359 words

Fixing tags on Azure invoices

Merging two CSV files using Pandas in Python 3 on Linux is a quick and easy process that can save you a lot of time and effort, however in my case I used other script to extract specific tag values from a CSV file, converts them into a JSON object, and writes them to a new CSV file, in that way I provided a workaround for those tags wanted....

2023-02-21 · 3 min · 506 words

Java Native Memory Tracking in GNU/linux

Java provides a Native Memory Tracking feature that enables you to monitor the memory usage of your Java application. This feature is particularly useful for identifying memory leaks and optimizing the memory usage of your application. In this post, we will discuss how to activate Native Memory Tracking for a Java jar application in Linux. Step 1: Check Java Version First, you need to check the version of Java installed on your system using the following command:...

2023-01-10 · 2 min · 253 words

Cloining a repo and setting up as artifact

On this post I will give you an example of how to clone a repo into your pipeline and use it for other jobs. As you can read from Gitlab official documentation artifact can output an archive of files/directories. I set the following example: artifacts: paths: - <project_name> exclude: - <project_name>/.git/**/* expire_in: 60 seconds We need to call the artifacts by using “artifacts” keyboard in the pipeline, in this example paths keyboard which files/directories add into artifacts....

2022-12-20 · 2 min · 226 words

Trigger pipelines in Gitlab

The following post is example of how to activate and use Trigger pipeline by API the official documentation over here as it mentioned is can be use “to trigger a pipeline for a specific branch or tag”; for our example I use it to activate a pipeline into specific branch. Steps: repoA will be the main one where the pipeline trigger it will be activate From repoA go to Settings-CI/CD-Pipeline triggers Click on “add trigger” copy your token From repoB that will be our caller of the repoA pipeline create a variable where you can paste the token....

2022-11-10 · 1 min · 167 words